creative ideation + content creation

summer 2022, i worked with the team at hstl productions to support netflix in ideating social media concepts for their season two rollout of ‘the upshaws’—a comedy series about a working-class Black family in indiana, starring mike epps, kim fields, and wanda sykes. high key—the best part about this project was that i got paid to watch tv. love that for me.

for this project, i thought about opportunities for netflix’s brand social channels to make content like memes, reels, copy, and more. my approach was to take the moments from the show that felt the most relatable to their audiences (i.e., @strongblacklead, @most, @netflixfamily, etc.) and ideate it into sharable content that not only got fans of the show excited about season two but also kept their online community engaged as they binge-watched.


my black is beautiful

